HR Color Zones

I personally use HR zoning routinely for my cardio (indoor bike). It would be helpful to have a color indicator of some sort ON the dashboard OR maybe just a color "heart" in a corner. It would also be helpful to have the ability to personalize ALL individual zones, and not just put in one's HRMax, FTP, and VO2 Max. (It's GREAT that you included this feature!) Zones, of course, do NOT follow a standard mathematical formula, but vary individually, as do zone LEVELS. Precision here is very important, and the numerous "formulas" are, at best, approximations only. Some are really terrible, like the 75-year-old, non-scientific formula "220-(age)=". Using these formulas only, a full zone shift is typical, which throws off the intended outcomes of a session. Keep moving forward!

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25 days ago


Stuart Zaharek

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