June 30th, 2024

Release Notes

Release Notes 4.6

Rolla One

Welcome to the latest release notes for Rolla One! We're glad to present the newest features, bug fixes, and improvements. Check out new updated version 4.6 on the App store and Google Play Store.

  • Adjusted the active points circle to now show only today's total active points instead of a 7-day sum. The minimum required active points for streak count to increase is 100 each day. The bars on the Active Points graph now display the sum of active points in one color, without distinguishing between activity types.

  • Added a delete option in the event creator.

  • Enhanced the event preview by making all participants visible.

  • Introduced new indoor activities: Cardio and Strength.

  • Introduced new outdoor activities: Hiking, Trail Running, and MTB.

  • Removed Garmin integration.

  • Improved streaming stability.

  • Addressed minor bugs and made overall improvements.

Rolla World

We have made a new update for Rolla World that includes improvements and bug fixes to enhance users' overall experience. The latest version 4.6 is available on the Mac App Store and Microsoft Store.

  • Connection stability improvements

  • Cloud Rendering improvements

  • Addressed minor bugs and made overall improvements